Alumni Charity Challenge – Wednesday, September 13 5:00 – 8:00 p.m. @ Richmond Kickers City Stadium.
Help the Central Virginia community this year by bringing non-perishable donations to City Stadium from 5:00-8:00pm or donate online until 11:59pm, Sep 13, 2023, and help the Mason Alumni Network in Richmond BEAT VCU again! We challenge our alumni friends in Fairfax and beyond to help out!

And while your in the giving mood, take a few minutes to visit Give Mason page and make your annual donation of $25 or more (great habit to get into like changing your batteries in your fire detectors when we change our clocks an hour to spring forward or fall back).
Looking forward to seeing you on September 13th and with your help, lets BEAT VCU! (and the Hokies, Wahoos, Dukes, Tribe, Spiders, etc.)
The Alumni Charity Challenge was established in 2013 by the VCU Alumni Chapter with Mason Alumni Network in Richmond (#MasonRVA) one of only seven alumni chapters in attendance on a cool rainy day. Over the last 10 years, the challenge has grown to include over 40 alumni chapters and collecting more than 797,000 pounds of canned goods. Feed More collects, prepares and distributes food to neighbors in need across 29 counties and five cities in Central Virginia. This year 34 schools will be represented and we have the goal to collectively raise 150,000 pounds of food (75 tons).
Despite the rain in 2013, Mason Alumni embarrassed VCU alumni and then did it again in 2014 on their own turf in Richmond (RVA) by donating nearly twice as much food as all other local alumni chapters combined, In 2015, 2016 & 2017 Mason Alumni finished 2nd or 3rd behind VCU and/or Virginia Tech alumni. In 2018 with the addition of online giving and out-of-state schools, the big boys from the Big 10 came to play and took the top spots, but Mason reclaimed the top bragging rights for Virginia schools. This year is the first year since the pandemic MasonRVA has participated in the Challenge since the pandemic. We know we are #1 in Virginia so let’s do it again this year and see if we can beat the “big boys” like we did in 2006!
With Patriot Pride,